What HSR farmers say
HSR has a number of happy farmers with successful crops that produce great results as feed for herds. Find out what they have to say about the various HSR hybrids they use.
"The support from David was the best. He was there from planting to harvest with his wealth of knowledge."
Shane (Gordonton Farmer)
Hybrid: Pegasus
"I grew HSR maize on three farms last year. This year was the first time I used the product. The service I had from Guy and David was excellent, and the crop performed well in what was a strong growing season."
Mark (Piako Farmer)
Hybrid: Brutus & Obelix
"In October 2024, I would have been growing HSR for three years. There have been some positive results, although last year's yield was mediocre due to the conditions, but that was everyone. There has been an increased yield this year, for sure. I have found HSR to be competitively priced and as good, if not better, than Pioneer and Corson. I received great backup and support from the local rep. I am a contractor and have recommended the product to a number of my customers."
Phil (Hauraki Farmer & Contractor)
Hybrid: Pegasus