HSR Maize Seed
Great for very quick silage or grain to fill that void these tough seasons can create, or for planting/harvesting outside of key operating windows in North Island regions. Showing great results in Southern regions where this fits into the growing window. Growers seeking high yield at this CRM with excellent standability and disease tolerance should be growing Asterix.
Planting Population
90,000 TO 100,000seeds/ha
(GRAIN 75-100K)

Plant types:
85CRM early silage quick grain.

Yield potential:
Excellent yield potential for a short CRM with a solid disease package.

Plant height:
Medium plant with solid root structure.

Type of grain:
Dent x Flint. Highly digestible feed grain. High grain content as silage and grain.
General comments:
Asterix produces quick yields that fit a specific purpose.
Want to find out more?
Download the HSR Asterix spec sheet here
Trait Scores + Characteristics
CRM | 85 |
Plant height | Medium |
Grain type | Semi-Dent |
Stress emergence | 9 |
Stalk strength | 8 |
Stay green | 7 |
Husk cover | 7 |
Leaf blight | 7 |
Cot rot | 9 |
Rust | 8 |